Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The similarities are astounding!


Clinton Concedes Race, Throws `Full' Support to Obama - 6/7/08

The ANYONE BUT HER campaign has ended!

Guess we're all going to sleep a little more sound tonight, aye?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

In the Big Inning...

Well, here goes nothing. This blogging business is for the birds, but if nothing else, it will allow me to exercise and effectively store my literaryisms, and then come back and look at them at a later time.

And so, a love/hate relationship begins with this online journal. I will rant and rail about whatever I feel compelled to write about. Read it at your own risk and expense. I shall not dillute it to appeal to anyone but me. Because it is MY blog. If anyone is offended, go write your own blog! Isn't America great?